Ozone Discectomy

How Oxygen-Ozone Treatment Works

Oxygen-ozone gas is given via an injection into the herniated disc. A needle delivers the treatment directly to the disc, and it reduces the volume within the disc. This is due to the oxidation of proteoglycans, which are proteins found within the gel-like center of the disc (called the nucleus pulposus). When your disc volume is reduced, the pressure on nerves is also reduced. This, in turn, lowers the amount of pain you feel.

Benefits of Oxygen-Ozone Treatment

Besides a shorter recovery time and lower complication rate than surgery, other benefits of oxygen-ozone injections include:

  • It is minimally invasive.

  • It is an outpatient procedure.

  • It takes little time to administer.

  • It costs much less than surgery.

  • It is a pain-free procedure.

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